API Reference

Getting Started

Getting started with the REST API

The REST API supports your client of choice that can make standard HTTP requests with support for application/json encoding.

Information needed to make a request

To access the API, you will need the following information:

API KeyA secret API key issued by TimeEdit that grants API access
Access TokenA short lived JWT based access token received after authenticating with the API key

Authenticating with the API

  1. To authenticate and receive an access token you need your organization id and your api key.
  2. Send a POST request using the api key in the authorization header with the prefix Api-Key as shown below:
curl --request POST \
     --url https://api.timeedit.net/v1/organizations/[Insert organization id here]/api-keys/authenticate \
     --header 'Authorization: Api-Key [Insert api key here]' \
     --header 'X-Region: [Insert region here]' \
     --header 'accept: application/json'

You need to fill in three things:

  • Organization Id, this should be provided by TimeEdit
  • Api Key, this is also provided by TimeEdit
  • Region, this is a specific enum string like 'EU_EES'

See the documentation page for authenticating: link

Note: The top-level domain (.net / .io) may vary depending on which environment you are using.

  1. Receive an access token as the return payload:
  "token": [your access token will be here]
  1. Use the access token as a bearer token on all your subsequent API calls:
curl --request POST \
     --url https://api.timeedit.net/v1/... \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer [Insert token here]' \
     --header 'accept: application/json'

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