Welcome to TimeEdit's Developer Hub
What is TimeEdit
We help institutions achieve student-centric outcomes through Academic Operations, which includes Curriculum Management, Scheduling & Exams, Workload Planning, and Evaluation. As the leading provider of Academic Operations solutions, TimeEdit serves over 200 customers with the support of 90 team members and the largest ecosystem of partners, integrations, and users globally.
Who is this documentation intended for?
This documentation provides an overview of TimeEdit’s API, used by customers and 3rd party solution providers to provide additional functionality and integrations on top of TimeEdit’s system
Questions, comments and support
If you have questions, feedback or need additional help, please contact TimeEdit’s support on [email protected]
Choosing the Right API
TimeEdit provides both a SOAP and a REST based API. Which one you choose to use depends on your individual use case as well as development preference
To read more about how to use the REST API follow this link.
To read more about how to use the SOAP API follow this link.
Updated 6 months ago